اصول فقہ کی تجدید اور اس کا تاریخی ارتقاء: تجزیاتی مطالعہ
Rejuvenation of Usūl al Fiqh and its Historical Evolution: An Analytical Study
When a sence of partner, evil act and Obscenity are at the zenith, it has always been the law of Allah that He deputes prophet’s foe the well being, well wishing of humans. Prophets, whose lives are sacred and free from the meanness of the world are verily, the blessed people of the society. The being bestowed with prophethood possesses a peculiar sort of impressiondue to which humans become their followers and obedient. prophethood is collective name knowledge and deed and when someone proclaims prophethood, a miracle, which is the name of differnciation, is demanded for its excellence. In the time of need the implementation of miracles apart from their personality is necessary because sometimes these actions are performed by the prophets on the demand of the people. All things are bound to abide by the commandmends of Allah. And prophets on behalf of their miracles turn these causes from actual state and this action is assertion of this demand that the sole being Who has set these principles can also break them. In this article only those claims and expostulations which are quite apt and relevant to prophet would be under discussion.