قرآن کریم کی دعوت فکر و تدبراور اس کے انسانی شخصیت پر اثرات

The Holy Quran invites thought and contemplation and its effects on the human personality

  • Munib Siddiqui IUB
  • Ibrahim Salik
Keywords: Thoughts, Observation, Invitation, Worship, Moral Life


 The Holy Qur'an is the last and most comprehensive book of human guidance. According to the commentators, from Surah Al-Baqarah to Surah Nas 114 Surahs of the Holy Quran, more than 5000 verses is the real answer, the question that mankind raised in Surah Al-Fatihah by mentioning the praise of Allah and His attributes of mercy and that question was: O Lord of the worlds, guide us to the straight path, the path of those on whom You Reward is not the way of those on whom Thy wrath descended and those who went astray.In the rest of its surahs, the Qur'an mentions nations, individuals, and those to whom it has been rewarded, and the character of those on whom the wrath of Allah descended because of their misguidance. By mentioning these individuals and nations and by mentioning the rewards or punishments that will befall them, he invited the people to the Day of Resurrection to observe their thoughts so that human beings may adopt these attributes due to which they have been rewarded by Allah. And save yourselves from the deeds and actions which caused the wrath of Allah to descend upon them. Various aspects of this call for thought-observation are evident in the Holy Qur'an. Some people have been invited to observe this aspect by describing the acts of worship of individuals and nations, obedience to the Prophet of Allah, practical rebellion and disobedience and disobedience of Allah. Somewhere the economic and social activities of individuals and nations have been made the subject of discussion, somewhere their affairs and morals have been described and their social, economic, cultural and moral life has been invited to be observed, somewhere their politics and An invitation has been extended to observe the discipline of the state. It is clear from the title of the article that this principle consists of observations, the introduction of which seems to be very important before its commencement. The following are the points we will make in this article. What is meant by observation? What are the types of observation? What are the meanings of observation given on different occasions? The need and importance of observation? What is the meaning of the subject and context where the invitation has been observed in the Holy Qur'an?

How to Cite
Siddiqui, M., & Salik, I. (2022). قرآن کریم کی دعوت فکر و تدبراور اس کے انسانی شخصیت پر اثرات: The Holy Quran invites thought and contemplation and its effects on the human personality. Tanazur, 3(2), 1−25. Retrieved from https://tanazur.com.pk/index.php/tanazur/article/view/26