ڈاکٹر محمدیٰسین مظہر صدیقی اورسیرت نگاری میں ان کےاصولِ ثلاثہ کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ

An Analytical Study of Dr. Muhammad Yasin Mazhar Siddiqui's Triadic Approach to Sīrah Writing

  • Rimsha Khalid MPhil Scholar, Dept. of Islamic Studies,G.C University, Faislabad.
  • Prof. Dr. Humayun Abbas Dean Islamic and Oriental Learning Islamic Studies, G C University, Faisalabad.
Keywords: Sīrat an-Nabī, Sīrat Nigārī, Yasīn Maẓhar Siddīqī, Uṣūl Sīrat, Talâsh wa Jostejû, Tanqīḥ wa Tahdhīb, Tahlīl wa Tajziyah


The life of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) is a beacon of guidance for all humanity, and studying his Sīrah (biography) is a source of pride for Muslims. Sīrah is not just a collection of events, but a comprehensive and fascinating account of the rise and development of a civilization. Throughout history, Muslim scholars have played a crucial role in spreading the teachings of Islam, and Sīrah literature has been an essential part of this endeavor. Dr. Muhammad Ismail Mazhar Siddiqui (d. 2020) is a prominent contemporary Sīrah scholar who has made significant contributions to the field. His unique approach to Sīrah writing, which prioritizes critical analysis and evidence-based research, has set him apart from other modern Sīrah scholars.  He has deviated from the traditional method of Sīrah writing and adopted a new approach that prioritizes critical analysis and evidence-based research. His methodology is characterized by a thorough examination of historical sources, careful evaluation of evidence, and a commitment to objectivity. Unlike other Sīrah scholars, Dr. Siddiqui does not merely collect and compile historical events, but rather conducts a thorough analysis of each event, gathering material from all possible sources, and then critically evaluating it. This approach has enabled him to shed new light on previously neglected aspects of the Prophet's life and to provide a more nuanced understanding of historical events. His articles and writings serve as a testament to his distinctive approach and commitment to scholarly excellence.

How to Cite
Rimsha Khalid, & Prof. Dr. Humayun Abbas. (2024). ڈاکٹر محمدیٰسین مظہر صدیقی اورسیرت نگاری میں ان کےاصولِ ثلاثہ کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ: An Analytical Study of Dr. Muhammad Yasin Mazhar Siddiqui’s Triadic Approach to Sīrah Writing. Tanazur, 5(2), 446-455. Retrieved from https://tanazur.com.pk/index.php/tanazur/article/view/246