منهج الشيخ محمد إدريس الكاندهلوي في سرد الإفادات التفسيرية في كتابه "سيرة المصطفى"
The approach of Sheikh Muhammad Idrees- al-Kandahlawi in presenting exegesis narratives in his book 'Seerat e Mustafa".
Shaykh Muhammad Idrees Kandhlavi stands as one of the most eminent and esteemed scholars of his time in the Indian subcontinent. A multifaceted personality, he dedicated a significant portion of his life to imparting the teachings of Islam and disseminating them through his written works. Renowned particularly as a scholar of the Qur'an and Tafsir in the subcontinent, he authored numerous books, among them 'Ma'arif al-Qur'an,' a detailed exegesis of the Holy Qur'an, and 'Seerat E Mustafa,' a comprehensive study of the Prophet's life. This article aims to elucidate the methodology employed by the author in 'Seerat E Mustafa,' a widely celebrated book in the context of the subcontinent. The paper delves into the method, approach, and significance of this work, providing insights into the author's biography. Emphasis is placed on the benefits derived from the Holy Quran within the context of this book. The research methodology employed is both descriptive and analytical, revealing that Shaykh Muhammad Idrees Kandhlavi's writing style is unique and comprehensive. In conclusion, the researcher summarizes the findings and conclusions drawn throughout this study.