لسانِ نبوت ﷺسے جنت کی بشارت پانے والی صحابیاتؓ: تحقیقی مطالعہ

Companions who Received News of Heaven from the Prophet ﷺ

  • Syed Ashfaq Ahmad PhD Scholar (Islamic studies), NCBA&E, Sub Campus, Multan
  • Ghulam Mustafa Ghulam Mustafa PhD Scholar (Islamic studies), NCBA&E, Sub Campus, Multan
  • Dr. Muhammad Anas Raza Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies, NCBA&E, Sub Campus, Multan


The Companions are the highest class of this Ummah.These are the souls who met the Messenger of Allah ﷺ in a state of faith and left this world in a state of faith.He sacrificed his life and wealth for the exaltation of Islam continued to serve the religion with great sincerity.They continued to follows the orders of Allah and Messengerﷺ. All these companions were told the good news of paradise But some of them were given the good news of Paradise even by naming them individually, such as Ushra Mubashara, Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique, Umar, Usman, Ali, Talha, Zubair, Saad, Saeed, Abdul Rahman bin Auf and Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah etc. Apart from them, there are other Companions who were given the good news of Paradise. In the Holy Qur'an and through the Prophet's tongue, the Companions who were given the good news of Paradise are included in all the companions. In the same way that some male Companions have been given the good news of Paradise by name in an individual capacity, in the same way some female Companions have also been given the good news of Paradise by name in an individual capacity. In this article, we have collected the traditions about these fortunate Companions from the reliable sources of books, in which they were told the good news of forgiveness and paradise through the tongue of the prophet.

How to Cite
Syed Ashfaq Ahmad, Ghulam Mustafa, G. M., & Dr. Muhammad Anas Raza. (2024). لسانِ نبوت ﷺسے جنت کی بشارت پانے والی صحابیاتؓ: تحقیقی مطالعہ: Companions who Received News of Heaven from the Prophet ﷺ. Tanazur, 5(2), 142-160. Retrieved from https://tanazur.com.pk/index.php/tanazur/article/view/209