دین کا تصور اقدامی جہاد : تحدیات و امکانات

Islamic Concept of Progressive Jihad: Challenges and Possibilities

  • Umer Yousaf PhD Scholar, institute of Islamic Studies, Punjab University Lahore
  • Muhammad Ahmad Bilal PhD Scholar, institute of Islamic Studies, Punjab University Lahore
  • Syed Muhammad zain ul Abideen M.phil Scholar, institute of Islamic Studies, Punjab University Lahore
Keywords: Religion, Proactive Jihad, Challenges, Possibilities, Sharia, Support


In the context of Islam's concept of Jihad, proactive Jihad is discussed as to whether Jihad is mandatory for everyone, whether Jihad will be at the state level or anyone can do armed struggle, whether Jihad is also proactive or only Is it defensive? Also, what are the Sharia’s of Jihad, what is the qualification. In this regard, many different opinions come before us, such as one opinion is that all the wars and conquests of Islamic history were of a defensive nature. There was no active Jihad. Another opinion is that Jihad is proactive as well as defensive. The third opinion is that proactive jihad is related only to the early centuries under the principle of complete proof, and the fourth opinion is that proactive jihad cannot be done in today's era based on international agreements, and the fifth position is that proactive jihad Instead of the sword, other types of jihad can be done with knowledge and wealth, etc. An attempt has been made in this paper to examine these things along with the allegations related to Jihad.

How to Cite
Umer Yousaf, Muhammad Ahmad Bilal, & Syed Muhammad zain ul Abideen. (2024). دین کا تصور اقدامی جہاد : تحدیات و امکانات: Islamic Concept of Progressive Jihad: Challenges and Possibilities. Tanazur, 5(1), 589−610. Retrieved from https://tanazur.com.pk/index.php/tanazur/article/view/154