عہد نبوی میں یہودِ مدینہ کے خلاف تادیبی اقدامات کا حقیقی پس منظر

The Real Context of Disciplinary Measures against the Jewsof Medina during the Prophetic Era

  • Dr. Muhammad Afzal Assistant professor Minhaj University Lahore, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Abdullah M.Phil scholar Minhaj University Lahore, Pakistan
Keywords: Pact of Madina, Conspiracy, Breach of covenant, Rebellion, Tribe of Jews


At the formational stage of the state of Madina, all the stakeholders involved, belonging to the different religious communities, signed the pact of Madina unanimously. The prophet of Islam, through this Pact, united all the Muslims, Jews and non-believers. Thus the city of Yathrib with first written constitution became a democratic State of Madina. The Tribe of Jews who were settled in Madina and its suburbs tried many a times to Breach the agreement. Time and again they were asked to mend their ways and were also warned but they did not give up their conspiracies and Rebellion. When they breached the covenant, the holy prophet of Islam as a head of the state of Madina took action against them under this pact. Some of the Western thinkers make objection on this strict action of the holy Prophet by mutilating the facts that it was a sheer result of criticism and critique made by the Jews. This ambiguity cannot be resolved unless there develops an understanding that the holy Prophet was not only a messenger, at the same time, but also he was the constitutional head of the state of Madina in political capacity. Apart from this he was also a guarantor for this peace treaty and a sole responsible for peaceful existence. It was not the sheer criticism and critique that caused holy Prophet to take an action against them rather it was their consistent conspiracy, violation and promise breaking.

How to Cite
Dr. Muhammad Afzal, & Muhammad Abdullah. (2024). عہد نبوی میں یہودِ مدینہ کے خلاف تادیبی اقدامات کا حقیقی پس منظر: The Real Context of Disciplinary Measures against the Jewsof Medina during the Prophetic Era. Tanazur, 5(1), 325-347. Retrieved from https://tanazur.com.pk/index.php/tanazur/article/view/140