مسلمان کی معاشرتی ذمّے داریاں اور اس کی بنیادیں (تعلیمات النبی صلّی اللہ علیہ وسلّم کی روشنی میں ایک تحقیقی جائزہ)

Social Responsibilities of Muslim and Its Foundations (A research review in the light of the teachings of Holy Prophet)

  • Saboor Fatima Senior Lecturer Department of Islamic Studies Bahria University, Karachi Campus
Keywords: Social responsibilities, Allah and Prophetic Teachings, freedom, Seerah


Each human being has a different aspect of life, i.e., spiritual, social, personal, and financial. Each of them possesses its own importance, and all are interconnected and interlinked. That's why none of them can be neglected.

Among them, a healthy social life is crucially important for human psychology. As a follower of Islam, how can every single Muslim citizen live their life peacefully and satisfactorily? The answer to the question is hidden in the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad.

Islam gives us an Allah-centric society based on the teachings of the Holy Prophetﷺ , which deal with all the social matters we face. It fixes the rights and duties of every single believer in Islam. Neither one can change those revealed Islamic teachings nor the bases, foundations, elements, or structure of the required social responsibilities and behaviors, as no one is given the changing authoritative powers of the Islamic principles.

This article would converse about all the societal and social responsibilities of every obliged single Muslim in the light of Seeerah. Furthermore, what society is and what are its basic fundamentals and essential theories of social life that underlie the etiquette and practices of humans will be looked over, and what position a human holds in society is going to be discussed in this paper.

How to Cite
Saboor Fatima. (2024). مسلمان کی معاشرتی ذمّے داریاں اور اس کی بنیادیں (تعلیمات النبی صلّی اللہ علیہ وسلّم کی روشنی میں ایک تحقیقی جائزہ): Social Responsibilities of Muslim and Its Foundations (A research review in the light of the teachings of Holy Prophet) . Tanazur, 5(1), 272-301. Retrieved from http://tanazur.com.pk/index.php/tanazur/article/view/135